Today was a beautiful day outside and I was fortunate to spend it with my fellow employees in the Jockey International Park to meet with our new spokesman Tim Tebow. This young man really has his act together and is a wonderful humanitarian. His foundation is helping our orphaned kids down in the Phillipeans by supplying them with items that they need. His foundation has already started to build a hospital down there for them.
When asked the question: "If you could meet anyone in the world and who would it be?" He answered, "Jesus, of course! Doesn't everyone?" His second choice is Abraham Lincoln, since he was a man of integrity and honesty. I would just love to pick his brain." I just have to say that we could not have picked a better person to represent our company! Below are a few picture and I am in the pink shirt standing next to him.
Jockey is so passiate about helping the adoptive children here in the US. We currently are working with a few groups with Post Adoption Services. Employees, volunteers, girl scouts are even helping out with making no sew fleece blankets for the kid's back packs. I am an Embassador on the Jockey Being Family Team and it really touches my heart for all the things a child has to go through before being adopted. These children are fighters but mostly the are just looking for a forever family.
I would like to start up a group of people to start making cards for these family to embrace their forever family and remember just how important it is to this child to make things works. Thanks for letting me rave, Enjoy the pictures!
LM#741 - Going in Circles: Wreath
1 day ago
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